Human Rights Management
Human Rights Policy
Every member of the Board of Directors, executives, and employees of Sahamitr Pressure Container PLC must be aware of and respect human rights in all aspects and for everyone, without discrimination based on race, gender, religion, education, or any other matter. The company is committed to providing guidance and ensuring equal treatment for everyone in accordance with the principles of human rights, without engaging in selective practices or actions that violate human rights. Furthermore, the company supports and promotes human rights through communication and dissemination of knowledge and understanding among its employees, business partners, and stakeholders involved in the company’s operations. It is expected that everyone upholds and abides by the company’s Human Rights Policy with the utmost diligence.
Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD)
The company has established a human rights due diligence process to serve as guidelines for managing human rights issues. The company gives priority to identifying and addressing human rights risks, as well as implementing measures to prevent, correct, and remedy any human rights impacts. The HRDD process consists of five steps:
1. Announcing the human rights policy.
2. Identifying issues and assessing human rights risks.
3. Integrating the assessment results into internal management practices.
4. Monitoring and reviewing human rights performance.
5. Providing remedies for impacts and establishing channels for receiving complaints.

Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment
The company conducts human rights risk assessments along the entire business value chain to identify, prevent, and mitigate the impacts of human rights risks in its operations. The criteria for human rights risk assessment are based on two factors: the impact of the risk and the likelihood of its occurrence. The assessment covers six aspects of human rights, including labor rights, community rights, supply chain, security, environment, and customer and consumer rights. No human rights risks were found to be at a high level.
Human Rights Risk Assessment Matrix
Risk measurement level


Guidelines for Human Rights Risk Management
For human rights risks that are at a moderate to high level, the company has guidelines for risk management, as follows:
Human Rights Risk Issue
Mitigation Measures
Occupational Health and Safety
Community Health and Safety
- Adhere to SMPC’s management system, including policies on occupational safety, health, and the environment.
- Provide safety training for employees and contractors.
- Compile occupational safety statistics to assess risks and mitigate impacts on work processes that may affect the health and safety of employees.
- Maintain proper equipment for first aid supplies and emergency medical services.
- Conduct a community risk assessment based on past cases/incidents that have had an impact on the health and safety of the community.
- Implement an environmental management system in accordance with the laws and regulations.
- Manage the environment to reduce negative impacts on communities.
- Establish an environmental management committee categorized according to the types of pollutants to ensure proper control.
- Provide remedies to alleviate the distress of those affected.
SMPC prioritizes the prevention and resolution of any impacts on human rights resulting from its operations. Individuals who believe they have been impacted by the company’s operations can file their complaints with the HR department, executives, or directors through the following channels:
1. By post to the company’s address:
92 Soi Thientalay7 (4th Intersection), Bangkhunthien Chaitalay Road, Samaedam, Bangkhunthien, Bangkok 10150.
2. By email:
3. Internal complaint box.
SMPC will analyze the causes of the complaint, take appropriate actions to resolve the issue, and implement measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. In the event that human rights are violated as a result of SMPC’s operations, the company will provide remedies through its complaint mechanism, verification process, and appropriate actions, including compensation.